(Click here for a printable PDF of today’s order of worship.)

Family Prayer

Old Testament Scripture Reading: Exodus 34:1-9

Song: Crown Him with Many Crowns

Song: In Christ Alone

Song: Is He Worthy?

New Testament Scripture Reading: Romans 8:1-11

MESSAGE from Psalm 12

Where are the Godly?

Psalm 12

1. David brings his situation to God vs. 1-4

    a. He feels isolated vs. 1

    b. He sees ungodly speech vs. 2-4

    c. His prayer vs. 3-4

2. The Lord's promise vs. 5

3. David's declaration vs. 6-8

    a. God's trustworthiness vs. 6

    b. God's preservation vs. 7


1. Consider the types of abuses of speech we find in Psalm 12. Where have we seen those same types of abuses in the church?   How diligent are we in guarding our own speech?

2. How does Jesus describe the relationship between the heart and the mouth?

3.  What is a double heart according to 12:2? Consider James 1:8. What connection can be made between these two verses?

4. How is God's Word pure words?

5. What do we learn from this Psalm about our salvation in Christ?

6. Do you ever feel like the minority when it comes to spiritual things even in the church?

Song: Turn Your Eyes